One of the best parts about flying is the vantage point. Absolutely, it's all about the view! This is Lizzy & Stella's first flight together in 2025. It's a quick one. It's also a good reminder to stop and enjoy the view. Ready to soar? Stella, Lizzy & I had the chance to tour the Tower at CYSN. I have to admit that it was a pretty cool and unexpected experience. We learnt a bit more about what's monitored at CYSN, what's inside, and what is & isn't allowed. We were able to get our questions answered and to experience what it's like to be out of the plane and in the Tower for a change. Pretty stimulating stuff all around. Check out this next lesson if you want a glimpse into our most recent experience at CYSN. Ready for another adventure? A quick word on what's ours online. I recently came across some sites selling Stella's7Stories merchandise without my consent. The only authorized places where our clothing is currently sold is with: 1) Cut Loose 2) On our website 3) At The Duke If you are looking for our clothing, please only purchase it from these three locations - the first two are online & the last one is in-person. Looking to purchase something in-person? Great! I'm typically at The Duke Saturdays from 1-3:30 PM, with the exception of this Saturday, December 28th. Now is the perfect time to buy our merch at Cut Loose. Check out their annual 20% off sale. Sometimes, you just can't make the trip. Lizzy & Stella are going to take you on an imaginary flight to Brampton instead. Why? Well, Lizzy wants to teach you a thing or two about radio communication and it's easiest if we anchor it to another airport. Lizzy chose Brampton. Warning - this lesson is a long one! It's long because it covers a lot of old ground. We are going to spend time reviewing radio communication, controlled & uncontrolled airports, aerodrome charts, and all that fun stuff. This context is going to help the "flight to Brampton" radio stuff make more sense. Let's go cure our mic fright and pretend to head on over to Brampton so that you can hear what Lizzy would have to say over the radio. You'll also get a glimpse of some actual flying. This includes Stella flying straight and level over the Niagara Region and Lizzy bringing Vyctor in for a landing on Runway 06 at CYSN. Are you ready for another adventure? In my own experience, I've actually found that many things get better with age and that a number doesn't need to be a barrier to pursuing passions. Sometimes, it's actually better to wait. I had the chance to fly with Lizzy again at the end of October. It was super fun! Not only is Lizzy an amazing pilot, she's always calm, focussed and hilarious. It was time in the air well spent. I got to fly the plane once again, which only further cemented my desire to start pursuing recreational flight once Stella's ready to officially start her training. In the meantime, Stella's flights with Lizzy are an awesome opportunity for her to be mentored by an aerobatic pilot while learning the ropes before committing to a full on licence. She'll get there. Me too! For now though, I'll continue to take Stella's seat in the plane every so often. What's the future look like? Well, we'll continue to have fun in the clouds while we wait for Stella to get closer to the official piloting age requirements. Until then...... Are you ready for another adventure? This one is with me! Meta, for whatever reason, decided to block my Stellas7Stories Instagram account. They blocked my access on October 6th, 2024. While I wait for them to respond to my many requests to restore my account, please feel free to check us out on Instagram at irehs30 instead (QR code below). I use this account a lot less, so please be patient while I begin to post content there more often while I continue to wait for my Stellas7Stories Instagram account to finally get restored. Thanks! This lesson is all about radio talk. You'll learn how Lizzy communicates with the Tower and get some refreshers on the radio alphabet and controlled & uncontrolled airports. Lizzy is going to walk you through some of her typical radio talk. Ready for another adventure? This is how Lizzy & Stella roll (literally). Check out some of their aerobatic adventures & flying fun! Are you ready to roll? Here's to posting the 21st lesson on the 21st of July. This is from a flight Lizzy & Stella did on 7.7.2024. Lizzy's going to walk you through Vyctor's instrument panel. She'll explain what she needs to check before taking off and heading up into the air with Stella by her side. Are you ready to fly? This latest lesson is all about flaps. Lizzy's going to teach you when & why she uses flaps on her plane and how it affects her landing. You'll get a review of CYSN's configuration and also get to meet up with Honey once again, our runway retriever. Lizzy and Stella will likely get back up in the air more often during the summer months and they are looking forward to more adventures in the air. Some super exciting news! We have a newly illustrated cast of characters. Are you ready for another adventure? Check out this latest lesson to learn more about Visual Flight Rules (VFR) & Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Follow Lizzy & Stella as they fly to CNZ8. Ready to fly? Happy 2024! Since we just entered a new year, it's probably a good time to post about planning. This was actually our last lesson of 2023, and Stella & Lizzy are excited for another year of flying together. Planning is an important part of anything that you do. It could be planning what to do today, planning how to accomplish a particular goal, or planning the steps needed to get to where you want to go. Today, we'll talk about flight planning. There are lots of elements that go into planning a flight. Lizzy needs to consider things like: -departure airport -flight route -destination -flight duration -fuel -passengers -weather conditions -arrival airport Lizzy always plans ahead. This helps to keep her and Stella safe. What about you? What do you like to plan? Are you ready to join Lizzy & Stella on this carefully planned adventure? |
Dynamic DuoLizzy and Stella love to fly! Join this dynamic duo as they soar through the clouds on another adventure. Archives
February 2025